lol.. cut the crap...
Here's the progress we made yesterday (very little)
- Tested if two copies of Emgu CV based programs can acquire images simultaneously from the webcam. Nope, that doesn't happen. What it means is that we can't have 3 programs acquiring images form cam at same time and doing their own work. And, the solution now lies in grabbing a frame from webcam and giving it to 3 threads that would take care of
- streaming it as m-jpeg
- rotating cam by motion analysis
- surveillance study
- Started laying out some CSS and structure for the web interface. Blank templates done and main page after login has been started.
- The other efforts went into exploring more C# for threading.
- Godse started planning out what information to show up on the C# interface that runs on the system.
- Harsha has bebun making an independent surveillance system using Emgu CV that would be submerged into the project later.
- Sagi has decided onto what components to buy and would be starting soon with the rotatory mount
Today :
- Hopefully as I jot these points at 6 AM, I think the HTML/CSS part of the Web Interface would be done by today.
- And by today evening I would've started with programming controls and planning the SQL database.
- Planning the database would become easier as by evening, completion of Views and Control Interface planning by Godse would leave me with enough inputs.
- And of course I guess we all would start getting the clearer picture of the architecture and lot of doubts and interactions :)
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